Difference between a HDL and other programming language is notion of time and concurrancy. In this chapter we will see the time data type in detail. |
We will be covering following topics |
- sc_time
- sc_start()
- sc_time_stamp()
- wait(sc_time)
- sc_simulation_time()
- sc_event
sc_time is special data type which is used to represent simulation time and time intervals, including delays and time-outs. An object of class sc_time is constructed from a double and an sc_time_unit. Time shall be represented internally as an unsigned integer of at least 64 bits. Like any other data type in SystemC, sc_time also allows arthmetic operations. |
Enum types that denote various time units are as below |
- SC_FS = 0
- SC_PS = 1
- SC_NS = 2
- SC_US = 3
- SC_MS = 4
- SC_SEC= 5
Time Resolution
Time shall be represented internally as an integer multiple of the time resolution. The default time resolution is 1 picosecond. The time resolution can only be changed by calling the function sc_set_time_resolution. This function shall only be called during elaboration, shall not be called more than once, and shall not be called after constructing an object of type sc_time with a non-zero time value. |
The function sc_get_time_resolution shall return the time resolution. |
SC_ZERO_TIME represents 0 time delay. It is good practice to use this constant whenever writing a time value of zero, for example, when creating a delta notification or a delta time-out. |
Example : sc_time
1 #include <systemc.h>
3 int sc_main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
4 // sc_set_time_resol... should be called before sc_time
5 // variable declration
6 sc_set_time_resolution(1,SC_PS);
7 // Declare the sc_time variables
8 sc_time t1(10,SC_NS);
9 sc_time t2(5,SC_PS);
10 sc_time t3,t4(1,SC_PS),t5(1,SC_PS);
11 // Print all the variables
12 cout <<"Value of t1 "<< t1.to_string() << endl;
13 cout <<"Value of t2 "<< t2.to_string() << endl;
14 cout <<"Value of t3 "<< t3.to_string() << endl;
15 cout <<"Value of t4 "<< t4.to_string() << endl;
16 cout <<"Value of t5 "<< t5.to_string() << endl;
17 // Start the sim
18 sc_start(0);
19 sc_start(1);
20 // Get the current time
21 t3 = sc_time_stamp();
22 cout <<"Value of t3 "<< t3.to_string() << endl;
23 // Run for some more time
24 sc_start(20);
25 // Get the current time
26 t4 = sc_time_stamp();
27 // Print the variables for new time
28 cout <<"Value of t4 "<< t4.to_string() << endl;
29 // This is how you do arth operation
30 t5 = t4 - t3;
31 cout <<"Value of t5 "<< t5.to_string() << endl;
32 // This is how we do compare operation
33 if (t5 > t2) {
34 cout <<" t5 is greated then t2" << endl;
35 } else {
36 cout <<" t2 is greated then t5" << endl;
37 }
38 return 1;
39 }
You could download file sc_time.cpp here
Simulation Output : sc_time
Value of t1 10 ns
Value of t2 5 ps
Value of t3 0 s
Value of t4 1 ps
Value of t5 1 ps
Value of t3 1 ns
Value of t4 21 ns
Value of t5 20 ns
t5 is greated then t2
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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