sc_fifo is a predefined primitive channel intended to model the behavior of a fifo, that is, a first-in first-out buffer. A fifo is an object of class sc_fifo. Each fifo has a number of slots for storing values. The number of slots is fixed when the object is constructed. Default slots size is 16. |
sc_fifo has following predefined methods. |
- write() : This method write the values passed as an argument into the fifo. If fifo if full then write() function waits till fifo slot is available
- nb_write() : This method is same as write(), only difference is, when fifo is full nb_write() does not wait till fifo slot is avaible. Rather it returns false.
- read() : This method returns the least recent written data in fifo. If fifo is empty, then read() function waits till data is available in fifo.
- nb_read() :This method is same as read(), only difference is, when fifo is empty, nb_read() does not wait till fifo has some data. Rather it returns false.
- num_available() : This method returns the numbers of data values available in fifo in current delta time.
- num_free() : This method returns the number of free slots available in fifo in current delta time.
Example : sc_fifo
1 #include <systemc.h>
3 SC_MODULE(example_fifo) {
4 void example_fifo::m_drain_packets(void);
5 void example_fifo::t_source1(void);
6 void example_fifo::t_source2(void);
7 // Constructor
8 SC_CTOR(example_fifo) {
9 SC_METHOD(m_drain_packets);
10 SC_THREAD(t_source1);
11 SC_THREAD(t_source2);
12 // Size the packet_fifo to 5 ints.
13 sc_fifo<int> packet_fifo (5);
14 }
16 // Declare the FIFO
17 sc_fifo<int> packet_fifo;
18 };
20 void example_fifo::m_drain_packets(void) {
21 int val;
22 if (packet_fifo.nb_read(val)) {
23 std::cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": m_drain_packets(): Received " << val <<
24 std::endl;
25 } else {
26 std::cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": m_drain_packets(): FIFO empty." << std::endl;
27 }
28 // Check back in 2ns
29 next_trigger(2, SC_NS);
30 }
32 void example_fifo::t_source1(void) {
33 int val = 1000;
34 for (;;) {
35 wait(3, SC_NS);
36 val++;
37 packet_fifo.write(val);
38 std::cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": t_thread1(): Wrote " << val << std::endl;
39 }
40 }
42 void example_fifo::t_source2(void) {
43 int val = 2000;
44 for (;;) {
45 wait(5, SC_NS);
46 val++;
47 packet_fifo.write(val);
48 std::cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": t_thread2(): Wrote " << val << std::endl;
49 }
50 }
52 int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
53 example_fifo ex_fifo ("ex_fifo0");
54 sc_start(30, SC_NS);
55 return 0;
56 }
You could download file sc_fifo.cpp here
Simulation Output : sc_fifo
0 s: m_drain_packets(): FIFO empty.
2 ns: m_drain_packets(): FIFO empty.
3 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1001
4 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1001
5 ns: t_thread2(): Wrote 2001
6 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 2001
6 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1002
8 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1002
9 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1003
10 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1003
10 ns: t_thread2(): Wrote 2002
12 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 2002
12 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1004
14 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1004
15 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1005
15 ns: t_thread2(): Wrote 2003
16 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1005
18 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 2003
18 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1006
20 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1006
20 ns: t_thread2(): Wrote 2004
21 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1007
22 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 2004
24 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1007
24 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1008
25 ns: t_thread2(): Wrote 2005
26 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 1008
27 ns: t_thread1(): Wrote 1009
28 ns: m_drain_packets(): Received 2005
Copyright © 1998-2025 |
Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com